Wilder Communities

Wildflowers - James Adler

Wildflowers - James Adler

Wilder Communities

How your community can help to bring back nature in Suffolk

Suffolk is a county of nature-lovers and if we all come together - as towns, villages, schools, and workplaces - we can create a powerful network of nature-friendly communities all across Suffolk. From creating wildlife corridors and enhancing green spaces, to managing habitats and installing wildlife homes, there are actions everyone can take to make a wilder Suffolk in which our local wildlife can thrive.

Join our movement of nature-lovers!

Upcoming community courses

Community projects & resources

Map your actions for wildlife

Combining our individual actions can create positive changes in the wildlife around us. Take a look at the map below to see how people in Suffolk are helping wildlife return. Put your actions on the map and become part of Team Wilder.

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