A summary of key concerns can be found here.
In our Written Representations we covered in detail many issues that are of concern to us. We do not believe that EDF have justified the loss of such a large area of Sizewell Marshes SSSI. The equivalent of around 10 football pitches of nationally protected wildlife rich habitat will be lost forever, covered by concrete, roads and buildings, despite that fact there is an alternative available that would lead to considerably lower loss.
We are also concerned that the development will fundamentally alter the groundwater within the remaining SSSI. EDF’s plans are to replace this with more surface water which, as it receives water from Leiston Sewage works, is of significantly poorer quality. This is very likely to harm large areas of nationally important fen habitat, home to many rare plants.
There remains considerable uncertainty how the development will affect Minsmere to the north and we stand side by side with our friends at the RSPB in seeking re-assurances that this famous reserve will be unharmed.