Suffolk Wildlife Trust and RSPB respond to new "environmental legacy" claims by Sizewell C

Suffolk Wildlife Trust and RSPB respond to new "environmental legacy" claims by Sizewell C

Sizewell C viewed from Dunwich Heath - National Trust

In a recent announcement, Sizewell C have said they 'want to create an environmental legacy in East Suffolk' and to 'help rewild East of England'.

In response, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and RSPB have released a joint statement:

"Whilst we welcome the additional wildlife habitat being provided at Wild Aldhurst (Sizewell C's nature reserve near Leiston) and applaud the long-term commitment made by Sizewell C to return large swathes of the Sizewell estate to nature post-development, we are really disappointed that the wildlife compensation sites at Benhall, Halesworth and Pakenham are being misrepresented as examples of Sizewell C going above and beyond for nature. This is not true.

"Sizewell C is legally required to deliver these sites as a minimum to compensate for the impacts of the construction of the new nuclear power station on wildlife - a requirement that Suffolk Wildlife Trust, the RSPB, Natural England, the Environment Agency, Suffolk County Council, and the local planning authority have fought hard to secure for many years.

"People have a right to expect far better transparency from Sizewell C when it comes to it's wildlife compensation. Sizewell C must do better to be clear about the compensation they are required to deliver by law, versus what is truly "additional" for nature."

Read Sizewell C's full announcement

Suffolk Wildlife Trust continues to engage with Sizewell C by focusing on the key areas of risk to nationally-protected habitats and species, to ensure our efforts and resources result in the best possible outcomes for wildlife.

You can read more about our work on Sizewell C - and other Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in Suffolk - on our NSIPs webpage.