After reading all the documents, and following much research and consultation with external experts, we have outlined our main areas of concern for wildlife and are aligned with RSPB's position in that, based on the supplied evidence, Sizewell C should not go ahead. As a wildlife charity, our focus is purely on Suffolk's wildlife.
You can read our Relevant Representation here (PDF).
In summary, we are concerned about the lack of evidence that mitigation or compensation will offset the loss to biodiversity and the impacts on protected sites and species.
We are concerned about:
- Lack of evidence on the impact on European Protected Sites
- Lack of detail on coastal defence design making it difficult to determine impacts on coastal processes and the communities of plants and animals living in this coastal zone
- Underestimation of importance of marsh harrier foraging areas available and the quality of the mitigation areas for foraging
- Little assessment of impact of noise and lighting on bats and birds
- The hydrological impacts on water quality and chemistry on protected sites
- The loss of SSSI (Site of special Scientific Interest) at Sizewell Belts
- The overall impact on the nationally important population of barbastelle bats
The loss of hibernation sites and disturbance of natterjack toads
The overall impact of biodiversity loss across the development site
Read our Representation in full here
What happens next?
The Planning Inspectorate has up to six months to carry out its Examination.
You can find out more how the planning process works for National Infrastructure Projects here.
What will we be doing?
We will be working closely with other organisations such as the RSPB and Friends of the Earth as well as key statutory consultees such as Natural England, Environment Agency and the local planning authority, to bring together a collective voice where we can. We will engage with EDF to try and reduce the impacts wherever possible, between now and the Examination. If we are still unsatisfied with the design, impacts or lack of detail, we will go to Examination and make it clear to the Planning Inspectorate that we do not think the development should proceed based on wildlife impacts. With the information we have, as it stands, this is our current position.
Find out more:
Sizewell C proposals: Our concerns:
Our stage 4 response:…
Further historical details:…
More information and news updates: