Blog: Mike Andrews

Starlings at Lackford Lakes - Mike Andrews


view through screen at Lackford Lakes

Winter at Lackford

It has been very wet here at Lackford, this winter. Many areas of the reserve have been flooded on a regular basis including the Kingfisher (blue trail). The changes in water levels have been…

brown argus

Early Autumn at the lakes

It is now feeling a lot like early autumn out there on the reserve. Signs of early autumn include fruits on the bushes by the paths, late butterflies over the breckland fields, small birds…

hawthorn in flower

Spring at Lackford

In these strange times when we are stuck at home, wildlife continues as normal. Spring is very active time for much of our wildlife and it is a time of much change with birds arriving back from…


Three cheers for the chiffchaff!

This week it has really felt like spring with the first singing chiffchaffs today- at least two- one near the Visitor Centre and another near Bernard’s Hide. It's on warmer, sunnier days when…