Hedgehog crafts and a mud kitchen at Lackford Lakes
Hi, I’m Marion Gray and I am a Learning Intern for 2019 at Lackford Lakes. Up until this point I have been a primary school teacher and maybe it is a mid life crisis but I feel the need for a…
Hi, I’m Marion Gray and I am a Learning Intern for 2019 at Lackford Lakes. Up until this point I have been a primary school teacher and maybe it is a mid life crisis but I feel the need for a…
Wow what a month, I’m not even sure where to start! My name is Lucy, I’m one of the wild learning interns this year at Lackford Lakes.
I’ve recently finished my Wild Learning internship and having had a few weeks to reflect upon my last 6 or so months at the Trust, I wanted to share a little of my experience.
Hello! Vicky here and writing to you for the last time. This is the last week of my internship with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust at Carlton Marshes, six months has flown by!
Vicky here! During my time at Carlton Marshes I’ve spent a considerable amount of my time out and about on the reserve involved with activities, including sessions with our wild tots, young…
Hello! Vicky here- Its been ages since my last blog post- I’ve been incredibly busy and just haven’t had a chance to get to a computer. But I’m back now and hoping to get more blog posts out soon…
Vicky and I had a fantastic experience last week when we were given the opportunity to enrol on a course to learn to lead groups of young people on the beach.
Hello everyone! My names Vicky, I am the new Wild Learning Intern for the Carlton Marshes reserve, and I have the honour of being the first intern to post on our new blog. I’m going to take this…