Wilder School - Roman Hill Primary School

Timeline of our relationship with Roman Hill Primary School

24th April 2024

This was our first session with the year 2s at Roman Hill and we started off by doing a quiz about the species we might find in our school grounds and what habitat they like. We then carried out an audit of the school grounds and looked for whether any of habitats we spoke about in the quiz were present. We also measured the size of the playground and explored the woodland area, recording how many minibeast homes, log piles, nest boxes and pollinator pitstops were there as well as counting the trees. 

We spent the rest of the day thinking about what we can add to the school grounds to make it better for wildlife and the areas we would like to improve such as the pond and wooded area. 

23rd May 2024

During our second visit to Roman Hill we started by learning about the benefits of wildflowers and created 3 pollinator pit stops to encourage pollinators to the school site. We also each made a pollinator pocket to take home and plant. 

The rest of the day was spent designing and painting stones to be placed in the woodland area to bring colour to the area and leave as a legacy to show the hard work year 2 are doing as part of Wilder School project. The stones we painted were inspired my local flora and fauna and lots of fantastic designs were created such as foxes, caterpillars and butterflies. 


9th January 2025

It was great to be back at Roman Hill! 

Today's session was bird themed. We started by sharing ideas about what we already know about birds and completing a bird quiz which year 3 did an amazing job at. We then made bird feeders to hang around the nature area of the school and thought carefully about where was best to place them. 

We then had a look to see if we could find any alternate food sources for birds by doing a bug hunt. Sadly we could not find very many insects but year 3 decided this meant that next time we need to create a hotel for insects.