Ecology services from Suffolk Wildlife Trust
SWT Trading Ltd Ecological Consultants, known as Wilder Ecology, is a trading arm of Suffolk Wildlife Trust that provides professional services specialising in ecology, conservation, and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). All of our Wilder Ecology work is carried out to the highest professional and ecological standards in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) code of practice and BS42020.
We are members of the Wildlife Trust Consultancies: a network of 24 local consultancies that are affiliated to their Wildlife Trust and share expertise, training and knowledge as well as partnering on major and national projects.
All profits from Wilder Ecology are passed to Suffolk Wildlife Trust to support our charitable work.

Our services

Habitat assessments & surveys
We offer a wide range of ecological consultancy services designed to meet your requirements in the most efficient way whilst achieving the best possible outcomes for wildlife habitats.
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)
- Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
- Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA)
- UK Habitat Assessments
- National Vegetation Survey (NVC)
- MoRPh Modular River Surveys
Wilder Ecology team conducting a small mammal survey - Jack Cripps
Species surveys
Often running in tandem with habitat assessments and surveys, we deliver various species surveying services that focus on meeting your goals whilst protecting wildlife.
- Protected Species Surveys (e.g badger, bat, dormice, newt, otter, water vole)
- Bird, invertebrate, and reptile surveys
- Wildlife Audits
- eDNA surveys

Early purple orchids by Steve Aylward
Biodiversity Net Gain
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) describes an approach to development that leaves the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was before. BNG regulations came into effect in Feburary 2024 as part of the UK government's Environment Act. A minimum target of 10% net gain should be sought as specified in the Act, however we are encouraging a target of 20% to achieve meaningful results for nature.
- Evaluation of baseline habitats and their ecological value
- Evaluation of proposed intervention leading to habitat change
- Application of Defra’s Statutory Biodiversity Metric designed by Natural England

Water vole © Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
Other services
We also deliver a range of addtional services to enable our clients to implement the most effective, nature-friendly planning, mitigation, and practices.
- Habitat Management Plans
- Neighbourhood Plans
- Ecological mitigation
- GIS mapping services
- Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
- Biological data record searches
- Professional training courses on surveying and mititgation
Meet our team
Consultancy Manager - Johanna Green MCIEEM

Johanna Green
Johanna has BSc Honours, PG Cert, CSci, and is experienced at project managing and facilitating a wide range of ecological work that benefits wildlife and increases biodiversity. She holds Natural England survey licences for great crested newts and hazel dormice, and has particular interest in the role of research in developing evidence-based conservation, management, and mitigation methods.
Senior Ecologist - Alison Looser MCIEEM

Alison Looser
Alison is an experienced field surveyor who has a specialist interest in surveys and mitigation for hazel dormice and bats. She holds Natural England licences for great crested newt, bats and hazel dormice and is registered on a class licence for water vole displacement.
Ecologist - Ellen Shailes ACIEEM

Ellen Shailes
Ellen is an experienced field surveyor who has a specialist interest in botanical surveys as well as breeding bird and invertebrate surveys including butterflies and dragonflies.
Ecologist - Sammi Smith

Sammi Smith
Sammi has an MSc and is a qualifying member of CIEEM. She is a competent field surveyor with wide experience in protected species surveys including bats, badgers and reptiles and she also has an interest in mammals and birds. She is working towards her bat licence.
Operational Ecologist - Maxine Hendy

Assistant Ecologist - Georgia Middleton

Georgia Middleton
Georgia is a qualifying member of CIEEM and a competent field surveyor who has a special interest in birds and mammals. She is also experienced with bat activity surveys.
Assistant Ecologist - Lydia Besford

Lydia Besford
Lydia is a qualifying member of CIEEM and an experienced field surveyor. She has a specialist interest in small mammals, including bats and hedgehogs, along with also botanical and bird surveys.
Assistant Ecologist - David Beardsley

David Beardsley
David is a qualifying member of CIEEM, and an experienced field surveyor with a particular interest in botany and ornithology. He also has experience in water vole surveys, reptile translocations, ECoW and bat surveys. David acquired all of this experience within the consultancy sector.
Admin & Finance Assistant - Louise Hampson
Louise is the Administration & Finance assistant supporting the team. She has previous experience scientific communications and is keen to use her skills in a way that helps wildlife and the environment. Away from work you’ll find her running on the trails in the Suffolk and Essex countryside.
Contact Us
Please fill in the form below to discuss your ecological consultancy needs.