Suffolk Wildlife Trust is the county's nature charity – the only organisation dedicated wholly to safeguarding Suffolk’s wildlife and countryside.
The Trust has led local nature conservation efforts in Suffolk for six decades and has saved some of the county's most important wildlife sites as nature reserves. In the past eight years the Trust has spent over £7 million buying land for wildlife and currently cares for nearly 8000 acres of some of Suffolk's most inspiring wild places. Our nature reserves are open to enjoy whenever you wish, there is no charge - instead we ask you to help us look after them by becoming a member.
For animals and plants to thrive they need corridors of suitable habitat - river valleys, hedgerows and gardens, where they can move safely through the landscape. In this sense our nature reserves work as ecological hubs and we work closely with neighbouring landowners, communities and partner organisations to create swathes of wildlife-rich countryside where wildlife can spill out into the wider landscape.
Bringing nature back to Suffolk
The expertise of our staff and volunteers gives us an unrivalled understanding of the county's natural world and with this focus we are able to safeguard habitats and species, taking action on the ground, where it really counts. Our conservation advisers work with farmers and local communities to improve their land for wildlife and secure a future for some of the county's most threatened species. Targeting species such as dormouse, hedgehog, swift, water vole, lapwing and skylark we make over 500 site visits each year.
Find out more about our flagship species
With our network of nature reserves and learning centres, the Trust's commitment to learning in nature is unparalleled in Suffolk. Our team of wild learning officers are dedicated to finding new and exciting ways to enthuse children and young people and nurture their interest in the natural world.
Suffolk Wildlife Trust takes its safeguarding responsibilities seriously: