… because we make Suffolk a better place to live
Our 50 nature reserves are some of Suffolk’s most inspiring wild places—tranquil havens and dramatic landscapes where you can enjoy time amongst nature with your family and friends
… because we make a difference for local wildlife
With our focus on Suffolk, we can act quickly and target conservation efforts where they are most needed—like helping water vole, otter and barn owl return to our countryside. In the last decade we have spent almost £4.5 million buying land for wildlife in Suffolk, including stunning new reserves like Snape Marshes and Knettishall Heath.
… because we need you
If local wildlife and Suffolk’s countryside are important to you, please help us do even more by becoming a member. Members’ donations directly fund our work and give the financial stability we need to plan ahead and secure new opportunities for wildlife—year after year
… because you want to
Membership of Suffolk Wildlife Trust is not a ticket to the countryside. All our nature reserves are free to enjoy whenever you choose. Instead we ask you to help us care for them by joining Suffolk Wildlife Trust. It’s your choice— join because you want to!

When you join we will send you a Welcome Pack to thank you for your support.
Then in January, May and September you will receive our members’ magazine and What’s on guide, with the latest news and information from around the Trust.
Our localness means most of our magazines are hand-delivered by volunteers. With no postage costs to pay, your membership supports even more wildlife conservation in Suffolk.
Membership rates
You can choose to make an annual payment or pay monthly, whichever you prefer.
Most new members opt for a monthly subscription, pledging £4/month or more.
If you prefer to pay once a year, we ask for a minimum subscription of £34 annually for adult membership or £42 annually for families. Family membership includes all adults and children in a household; this can also include grandchildren too.
Better for nature
We are delighted to deliver your Suffolk Wildlife magazine in a potato and maize starch wrapper. It is plastic-free and 100% biodegradable. Please dispose of it by adding it to your home compost bin or wormery, digging it into your veggie-patch or adding it to your domestic waste bin. Suffolk County Council advise it should not be added to your garden waste collection bin or recycling bin.

Gift Membership
If you are purchasing a special gift of membership, we will do our best to ensure that the membership pack is received in time if you let us know when it should be received by. Remember you can also include a message if you wish, and the membership pack can be sent directly to the lucky recipient, or to you so that you can give the gift in person.
Our members are a force for good
The groundbreaking State of Nature Report, a collaboration of the UK’s wildlife organisations to assess the balance of nature in the UK, highlights what we have lost, and what we are still losing, it also demonstrates the impact groups like Suffolk Wildlife Trust can have to make a difference and bring back nature where it has been lost.

Otter by Andy Rouse
Otters are thriving
Otters were wiped out by pesticide use in the 1960s. Following reintroductions in the 1980s, our work along Suffolk’s river valleys has helped them to spread and thrive. Otters are now more widespread than at any time in living memory.

Water vole by Terry Whittaker
Water voles are saved
We entered the new millennium amid fears that water voles could be extinct in Suffolk within a decade. Thanks to our Water for Wildlife project, water voles are now returning to rivers across Suffolk.

Dormouse by Danny Green
Dormice are spreading
Discovering that dormice have spread out of Bradfield Woods into the adjoining hedgerows was the ultimate success for our reintroduction programme. Our goal now is to create a hedgerow network between Bradfield and nearby Bull’s Wood for dormice to move along.

Fen raft spider by Helen Smith
Raft spiders are flourishing
After wavering perilously on the brink of disaster, for decades, the future of fen raft spider is finally secure. New populations at Carlton Marshes nature reserve are spreading through the network of Broadland dykes, taking advantage of the restored wetland landscape.

Barn owl by Andy Rouse
Barn owls are back
After county numbers fell to fewer than 100 pairs, our nest box programme has helped barn owls to make a come back. There are now more barn owls in Suffolk than there have been for a generation, making Suffolk one of the UK strongholds.

Knettishall Heath by Paul Ham
Nature reserves are growing
In the last decade we have added over 2400 acres of wildlife habitat to our network of nature reserves, from fragments of meadow to swathes of open heath. We have spent almost £4.5 million buying land for wildlife including stunning new reserves like Snape Marshes and Knettishall Heath.
Choose Suffolk Wildlife Trust for your family
… for wild adventures on your doorstep
With 49 nature reserves to explore, each with puddles to splash in, trees to hide behind, birds to count, sticks to collect and plants to sniff there’s a world of wild things just waiting to be discovered
...for bug hunts and beach treasures
Plan your own adventure or come along to one of ours. With family activities at our 6 education centres, termly magazines and an e-news before each holiday, you’ll never be short of spotter sheets or wild ideas
...for their future
There is no doubt nature is good for us. Good for our health, for our mind, good for our spirit. We believe nature should be part of every child’s daily life. With your support we can make Suffolk a better place to live—and ensure our children really can grow up wild.
...for fun!
Suffolk Wildlife Trust can give your family new places to explore, new ways to look at the world and a lifetime’s enjoyment of the wildlife and wild places close to home. Wild Suffolk is amazing. You can help us keep it that way by joining Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
It’s your choice— join because you want more wildlife. Join because nature’s fun!
What next?

When you join we will send you a fabulous Family Welcome Pack for you and your children.
After that, you will receive our termly family members’ mailing, with magazines for you and your children and our What’s On listing with everything that’s happening around the county.

Have you spoken to one of our team?
Our membership recruiters are working throughout Suffolk to give people the opportunity to find out more about the Trust and give everyone a chance to join.
If local wildlife and Suffolk’s countryside are important to you, then simply by becoming a member of Suffolk Wildlife Trust you can help to make a real difference.
Members’ subscriptions directly fund our work and also provide the year to year financial stability that allows us to plan ahead and secure new opportunities for wildlife. This is why we are asking you to join the Trust.
You can join the Trust at any of our five centres, or online, but most of our nature reserves are unmanned. Instead, our fundraisers visit people at home or have a stand in busy places like supermarkets and county events, to ask for your support as a Benefactor Member by paying monthly.
Members are at the heart of all our achievements. Whilst we are often able to secure grants or donations for new projects, members’ subscriptions provide the foundation for all our wildlife activities.
Benefactor Members choose the level of their subscriptions, giving a small amount each month so that over the course of the year they donate more than the standard annual subscription.
We are always happy to receive feedback about our Fundraisers. Please contact us on 01473 890089 and speak to Nic Martin. Alternatively you can message: Contact us
Meet the team:

Shaun Norris
Shaun Norris
Membership Development Officer

Claire Rowan
Claire Rowan
Membership Recruiter

Michael Strand
Michael Strand
Community Fundraising Manager

Robert Leith