Large number of ducks can now found on our lakes. The sailing lakes is a particular favourite with pochard, tufted duck, wigeon and gadwall found in good numbers on most days. Bess's hide and Steggall's hide are also good locations to look for our ducks as well. Even more will be arriving in the coming weeks as they arrive at the lakes for the forthcoming winter.
The last few days have also seen the first redwings passing through the reserve and first of the siskin been seen on the trees around the eastern lakes.
Staying with birds for now. Snipe have been seen on the slough and down at Steggalls hide. The little egrets have moved camp to the area around Steggalls hide - seven were there today. Up to five little grebes can be found on Long reach from Bess's hide. Jays continue to busy collecting seeds around the reserve.
The weather in the last weeks have been amazing for our butterflies, dragonflies and other insects. Lots of butterflies are still on the wing including - red admiral, brown argus (best from centre to viewing platform), small copper, brimstone and speckled wood. The main dragonfly on the wing now is common darter - they have been out in good numbers in recent days. Willow emerald damselfly is also still being seen.
Lastly, we have also been seeing good numbers of ichneumon wasps around the centre. Ask a member of staff when you are next in to see these strange looking insects.