Josh Drake spent many hours clearing plastic litter and even checking soil sieved from Trimley foreshore with a pair of tweezers, counting 1517 plastic nurdles. He has a jar of over a thousand pieces of micro plastics, which he has kept to show the scale of the issue and how it all adds up to such a problem for marine animals.
During the Covid19 lockdown, Josh was shocked by the quantity of plastic waste he saw when he and his mother were taking their exercise walk at Trimley, and instead of just walking by he took it upon himself to clear it up. This was no small task, the rubbish along the tide line was a thick tangle of fishing line, rope, plastic sheets, bags and bottles; much of it degraded so it shredded into smaller and smaller fragments as they cleared it. Some of the plastic had become entwined amongst the grasses and plants, and it was a delicate process to safely remove it.