Over 60,000 people march in London demanding politicians to Restore Nature Now

Over 60,000 people march in London demanding politicians to Restore Nature Now

Restore Nature Now march in London - Jack Cripps

On Saturday 22 June, Suffolk Wildlife Trust joined fellow Wildlife Trusts, an estimated 80,000 people, and over 350 charities businesses and action groups to march through central London to parliament. Together we had one simple but powerful message to all the UK’s political parties – that they must Restore Nature Now.

The march is thought to have been the biggest public demonstration in the General Election run-up and shows the strength of public opinion on the need for stronger political action to tackle the nature and climate crisis. 

Celebrities at the march included Emma Thompson, Liz Bonnin, Chris Packham, Dr Amir Khan, Feargal Sharkey, Steve Backshall, Megan McCubbin, Dale Vince, and Mya-Rose Craig. 

Restore Nature Now march, London

Restore Nature Now march on Parliament Square in London - Jack Cripps

Actor and campaigner Emma Thompson said:“It was incredibly powerful to see so many different individuals, groups and campaigners coming together to demand that our politicians give the priority needed to nature and climate. Without radical action our natural world will continue to decline and that is a crisis that will affect us all. This is a major moment for nature and a major moment for politics. The big question is, will the next administration heed the demands of people in the UK and Restore Nature Now?”

Naturalist, explorer and president of Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust, Steve Backshall said:“With many UK species on the path to extinction, our rivers becoming a pollution highway and the future of our climate at a crucial crossroads, the next Government needs to put the UK on the right track for the natural world. The Restore Nature Now march and its thousands of supporters have sent a clear signal to all politicians that this General Election must be a nature and climate election. The public wants it, UK wildlife needs it, and the next generation deserves it.” 
Chris Packham, TV broadcaster and environmental campaigner said: “We have stood up and spoken, we have shouted loudly and clearly about the imperative need to restore nature. This has been a moment when our next Government must listen and act so the UK will finally properly address our nature and climate crises. We’ve heard enough warm words and seen too broken political promises while our beautiful natural world has continued to be destroyed. It's now time for the next government to take green action and not leave nature in the red. And the first true test will be what we hear in the first 100 days of power.” 
Craig Bennett, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts said: “The devastating effects of climate change and nature loss affect every single one of us. We need nature to be restored and we need to act fast. That’s why thousands of people have united today to demand action from the next government. Our recent poll revealed that 79% of the public think that nature is important for our well-being and economic prosperity. With an election imminent, this is a critical moment if we want future generations to enjoy the thrill of birdsong, the buzz of pollinators, sustainable agriculture, a healthy economy, clean air and clean water. There’s still time for positive change and to Restore Nature Now!”