As we head into the last few weeks of spring at Lackford, we are now starting to see good numbers of butterflies and the start of the dragonflies on the lakes.
The birds are still here and the only one that has not checked in at Lackford is the turtle dove which reflects the national decline of this species but we are not giving up hope they may still make an appearance
Many of the warblers are busy with their first breeding attempts on the reserve so you may hear a little less of them as you wander around the trails. Windy days are perfect for watching swifts, swallows and house martins over the lakes.
Other birds of note are nightingale still being heard from time to time around the centre, cuckoo continues to heard, great crested grebes are busy attempting to nest down on the eastern lakes (Steggalls hide is best currently for these) and the odd wader like redshank and common sandpiper might be seen on the slough or at Bess's hide.
Hobby has become more obvious in recent weeks around the reserve as numbers of dragonflies and damsels begin to be seen around the reserve. Dragnonfly wise - four spot chaser and hairy dragonfly have been seen. Damselfly wise - large red, azure and common blue damelfly can be found in good numbers.
We have now recorded twelve species of butterfly this spring on the reserve with large white and small copper being the most recent to be added. Orange-tip can still be seen. Others to look out for include brimstone, small white and speckled wood.
With a lot of nice sunny weather forecast over coming days, many more butterflies and dragonflies should be seen at Lackord Lakes.