Wild babies at Lackford - the most relaxing afternoon!

My highlights were definitely wild babies and the farm fair. The farm fair is run by farmers and is a bit like a smaller version of the Suffolk show. All schools across Suffolk are invited and they are educated throughout the day mainly about where their food comes from amongst other things. There were a whole host of things see from sheep shows, to blacksmiths, to making honey, and lots of things to try such as venison sausages and burgers. At the Suffolk wildlife trust stand we had 3 different games set up, bee a bee, ladybirds and aphids and seeds. Each game is designed for the children to run around and have fun, but they can also learn for example, how important ladybirds are in controlling the aphid population. All in all, a really great and fun, educational day out for the kids.

My first wild babies session was this week. I was massively intrigued as to how this would work. Having a nine month old at home who literally eats everything, and is currently teething surely this was going to be a noisy and stressful afternoon?
I have to say it was THE most relaxing afternoon in the woods! I did not want it to end! We had rope swings, mucky trays, sensory toys on blankets & a very cool little muddy puddle to dip their toes in. All the babies were so calm & chilled on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Smiles all round.