We’re running a number of hedgehog workshops in the coming months, and with thanks to our funders Heritage Lottery and British Hedgehog Preservation Society, they are all free to attend! Spaces are limited so do require pre-booking on our website, here.
The first of our workshops is being held on Sunday 25th February in Ipswich Museum and is looking at the habits of hedgehogs in gardens throughout the year, and how they might use different features in different seasons. This workshop will be ran by myself, Ali North, and Paula Baker, co-founder of Suffolk Prickles Rescue Centre. The course will also cover when wild hedgehogs may need extra help, and when it’s actually best to leave the hedgehog to its own devices!
We have a number of gardening for hedgehogs workshops planned for 2018, with the first being run at the People’s Community Garden in Maidenhall allotments on Saturday 3rd March. You’ll be able to learn all about the features of a garden that hedgehogs love, how to reduce hazards, and how any style garden can be made hedgehog friendly!
Lastly for Spring we have a Hedgehog Torchlight Tour, again at the People’s Community Garden, but this time we’ll be exploring the garden in search of these prickly critters under the cover of darkness! Armed with torches, thermal imaging and our night vision monocular, we’ll be on the look out for hedgehogs after an evening talk about the ecology of this species, hot drinks and chatter in the CRESS pavilion.
All of these workshops are free, but do require pre-booking on our website, here. Spaces are limited, so book them whilst you can!
Image by Tero Laakso, CC BY 2.0.