This year we're running a prize give-away for everyone logging their hedgehog-friendly gardens on the Suffolk Wildlife Trust hedgehog online map. Record your hedgehog highways (ground level fence holes - 13x13cm), wild areas (log piles, wildflower patches) and hedgehog nest boxes here. This will help us track how hedgehog friendly Ipswich is becoming and identify areas for future action!
All gardens logged from now until May 18th will have a chance of winning a beautifully woven willow hedgehog created and very kindly donated by Jo Hammond, as well as a newly published book 'The Last Hedgehog' written by Pam Ayres. Jo Hammond uses a range of English willow varieties to create beautiful willow structures and traditional baskets. She runs workshops for attendees to forage for their own branches and learn techniques to create their own willow masterpieces. More information about her work and courses can be found on her website here. 'The Last Hedgehog' is a beautifully illustrated book aimed at adults, addressing all of the issues hedgehogs are facing in a hard-hitting and quite emotional way! Click the ‘enter me into the prize draw’ box when logging your garden to be in with a chance of winning!