Spring in Suffolk

Spring in Suffolk

Jesse Walker

Winter may still be well underway but small signs of spring are emerging throughout the county. Discover the wildlife and natural signs which welcome the beginning of spring.

It might still be winter in January and February but there are signs of the seasons shifting towards spring. Take a look below for signs of the changing seasons and things to look forward to once spring is in full swing.

1.Blackthorn blossom 

Flowering in early spring blackthorns provide a valuable source of nectar and pollen for bees. The dense thickets of blackthorn trees and bushes are great for nesting birds such as nightingales and thrushes. 

Not to be confused with hawthorn, a similar shrub which blooms later in the spring.

A branch of a blackthorn covered in small white blossom flowers

Steve Aylward


A winter-flowering favourite, snowdrops emerge in January and February and stay in bloom until the start of spring in March. These nodding heads carpet the floors of woodlands, churchyards, and gardens creating a beautiful blanket of white. 

Whilst a familiar sight in Suffolk it is thought that snowdrops aren't native, with first record of wild-growing snowdrops dating to the 18th century. 

Blooming during cold weather snaps could be risky for many plant species but snowdrops have specialised to overcome the adversities of harsher weather. The leaves of snowdrops have hardened tips to help them push through frozen ground. And 'anti-freeze' proteins in its cells which prevent ice crystals from binding and causing structural damage or wilting. For a delicate looking flower, it is pretty tough! 

Suffolk Wildlife Trust

3.Stunning sunrises

The sunrise is getting earlier towards spring, in January and February the sun will rise between 7.30 and 8.30am. In March the sun will crest the horizon as early as 5.30am. 

Take advantage of the stunning views a sunrise can offer and head to the coastline for a special late winter experience. The most easterly point of our coast is at Lowestoft and is bound to offer spectacular views when the weather is right. Why not pop in to our Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve on the way home for some bird watching and a hot cup of coffee from the café. 

Beautiful sunrise at Carlton Marshes – Gavin Durrant

Beautiful sunrise at Carlton Marshes – Gavin Durrant 

4.Great crested grebes dancing

Famous for their courting dance early spring is a great time to head to a local nature reserve to witness the displays of great crested grebes. Diving for food spotting them as they crest the surface is a joy. 

Whilst they may appear graceful in the water the placement of their legs far back on its body can make them clumsy on land. The building of the nest on the waters edge and incubation of eggs are tasks shared by both the male and female great crested grebe. Later in the spring look out for chicks hitching rides on their parents backs.

Great crested grebe weed dance

Great crested grebe 'weed dance' © Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

5. Wild garlic

Emerging from late winter until the end of spring, wild garlic is a treat for the senses. Carpeting woodland floors, the thick green leaves and white star-shaped flowers give out a crisp garlic smell.

Common throughout England in shady woodlands, Wild garlic attracts the attention of plenty of pollinating insects, including hoverflies, butterflies and longhorn beetles.

Wild garlic by Steve Aylward

Wild garlic by Steve Aylward

Make the most of spring and visit a nature reserve near you. Here are our top picks for reserves to visit and enjoy the sights of spring. 

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