Meet the Team - Foxburrow Engagement

Meet the Team - Foxburrow Engagement

Jesse Walker

Get to know the faces at our Foxburrow Nature Reserve who help deliver our events and educational activities and find out more about the wildlife which calls Foxburrow home.

Foxburrow Nature Reserve is nestled away just outside Melton and Woodbridge. 

Described as a wildlife bank, the species here are some that you would hope to find in general habitats throughout Suffolk but in an abundance that is aspirational to the rest of the county.  From great crested newts to treecreepers, keeping a watchful eye whilst you walk around the nature reserve will reward you with fantastic wildlife sightings. The site is also great for birds of prey with buzzards making their home in the woods, kestrels spotted across the reserve and visits from magnificent red kites.

From the big and mighty to the small and inconspicuous, a colony of ant lions also call Foxburrow their home. A stone’s throw away from the discovery centre is an unassuming sandy area covered with ant lion larvae pits, designed to trap their prey and funnel it down to their waiting jaws.  

Foxburrow began its life with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust as an education centre, a place for school groups to visit and learn. Now the learning about wildlife continues with a brilliant engagement and outreach team based here at Foxburrow, and the nature reserve itself is open to for visitors to enjoy throughout the year.  

Spring and summer are wonderful times to visit the reserve for a walk, explore the red and yellow trails and listen out for bird song in the woods. Wildflowers spring to life with beautiful colours and the apple trees in the orchard are dappled in blossom. In the summer the wildflower meadow and barn garden are packed full of colourful blooms and butterflies, damselflies, dragonflies and other pollinators flit about the reserve.  

We have a wonderful Engagement Team that base themselves at Foxburrow. Sophie, Dan and Emma are all experienced in running engagement and outreach sessions for all ages across Suffolk. 

Sophie has been with Suffolk Wildlife Trust for 10 years beginning with work experience when she was 16 and continuing as a volunteer until she went to university in Scotland. Now an Engagement Officer at Foxburrow, Sophie runs regular events including Young Wardens, Wild Tots and school visits. Sophie also puts together our seasonal events at Foxburrow like the recent Santas Grotto and Halloween nights.  

This year Sophie also oversaw the Wild Tots at the Grove programme, which brought toddlers and elderly people together at a care home to explore nature and make new connections with one another.  

Dan currently covers engagement in Ipswich running the Weekend Wildlife Club, Young Wardens, and Wild Tots at Holywells Park. He also travels around Ipswich delivering outreach programs with schools, youth groups and charitable groups. In the new year Dan will be taking on some more events at Foxburrow to help cover maternity leave for Sophie.  

The community spirit and welcoming atmosphere of Foxburrow is an element all three team members love about their jobs. The volunteers who help lead the sessions, maintain the garden, and run events are phenomenal and always willing to lend a hand. 

Working at the Trust for multiple years Sophie and Emma have enjoyed engaging with their regular cohorts, watching their journey learning more about wildlife and being so at home in nature.  

Emma has worked for the Trust for 21 years, having started as an intern at Foxburrow initially and then working over at Lackford Lakes as Engagement Officer there. She runs monthly Forest School sessions for home educated children for two age groups, alongside monthly By the Fireside or Under the Trees (seasonally dependant) woodcrafting sessions for adults and professional development courses. As a Registered Forest School Association Trainer, alongside Jo (based at Bradfield woods), Emma delivers Level 2 and 3 Forest School Leader and Assistant training top up courses, and Forest School skills days.  

All three also visit school groups as part of our Wilder Schools program, helping young people engage with nature and create a space for wildlife on school grounds.  

There are events and courses for all ages at Foxburrow Nature Reserve led by our wonderful team, and we would love to see you there.  

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