Conservation science
Wildlife Conservation & Recovery
North Sea Marine Conservation
First ever National Hedgehog Conservation Strategy launched by leading wildlife charities
The first ever National Hedgehog Conservation Strategy has been published by leading wildlife charities People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) and The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (…
Endangered species wildlife conservation
Conservation advice at Suffolk Wildlife Trust
Meet Graham, our Conservation Adviser. If you have a patch of land in Suffolk and would like to learn more about how to enhance it for wildlife, let us know.
Thousands back Wave of Support for Marine Conservation Zones
More than 22,000 people completed The Wildlife Trust’s online action, which urged Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to designate 41 new Marine…
The problem of plastic – young volunteer wins National Youth Marine Conservation Award
Research shows that if just one person in every four takes up a cause, this can be enough to change the minds and behaviour of the majority. We are celebrating one young volunteer who has done…
Biffa Award supports Martlesham Wilds Nature Reserve with £340,000 towards conservation works and habitat creation
With grant funding from Biffa Award, Suffolk Wildlife Trust is able to begin vital conservation works and habitat creation at Martlesham Wilds Nature Reserve near Woodbridge, which was secured in…
Talk: Wildlife Sound & Conservation Technology In Suffolk by Dr Mark Bowler from the University of Suffolk
Woodbridge is at the forefront of citizen science bioacoustics monitoring! From ultrasound speakers to remote audio and cameras, come and hear about plans to arm Woodbridge’s wildlife enthusiasts…
The ‘middle-way’ approach to conserving our wildlife
Ben McFarland, Head of Conservation, explains why a balanced approach is important when managing nature reserves.