Work experience

Young wardens Lackford John Ferguson

Young wardens at Lackford by  John Ferguson

Work experience

Applications for work experience 2024 are now closed. Applications for 2025 will open mid January 2025. 

My work experience week taught me how many people and the varied roles they perform in order to make Suffolk Wildlife Trust such a fantastic organisation. My week’s highlight was the opportunity it gave me to get closer to nature and to witness others enjoying the great outdoors as much as I do.
Hannah, 2023 work experience student

In 2025, Suffolk Wildlife Trust will be offering a maximum of eight work experience placements over two (separate) weeks to young people with an interest in working for an environmental charity.  The work experience weeks will take place during the Easter and summer holidays and will, therefore, be in addition to any work experience organised by the students’ educational establishment; please note that we will be unable to offer additional work experience placements outside the two weeks stated.    

Work experience locations will be Lackford Lakes Visitor Centre and Carlton Marshes Visitor Centre.  

Students aged 16+ must be available for all five days of the week offered and provide their own transport to and from the nature reserve.  Due to the nature of the work experience, they may on occasion be required to travel to other locations in a Suffolk Wildlife Trust vehicle with a member of Trust staff.