Local Wildlife Groups

Local Wildlife Groups

By John Ferguson

One of Suffolk Wildlife Trust's great strengths is our network of community volunteers who represent us in their part of Suffolk and coordinate our local Wildlife Groups.

The groups organise a wide range of wildlife and fundraising activities at community venues and local wildlife sites all year round, to celebrate Suffolk's wildlife and countryside and encourage more support for the Trust.

Position details


Any Day



If you would like to join like-minded people and support us through your Local Wildlife Group, you'll need to contact your local representative. You could get involved in fundraising activities and events including nature reserve Open Days, as well as recruiting new members, being a Committee member, local publicity, work parties and helping with talks, walks and many different events. Each Local Wildlife Group organises a wide range of activities and is happy to welcome enthusiastic volunteers looking to become part of a team raising funds for the Trust and engaging others in their passion for wildlife. You can find your local group's events by visiting the WhatsOn pages and selecting the Local Group in the dropdown menu in the bottom left hand search bar.

Also, if you’d like to receive email updates from your Local Wildlife Group, please contact us via this link and let us have your contact details & the name of your Local Group. We will add you to their distribution list so you can keep up-to-date with their latest events and projects. You can unsubscribe at any time.

To get in touch with your Local Wildlife Group directly click on the links below:

Alde Valley 

Blyth Valley & Southwold 










Valley Fens 



Upcoming Wildlife Group events