©Amy Lewis
©Chris Gomersall/2020VISION
Scientific name: Luscinia megarhynchos
The melodious song of the nightingale is the most likely sign of this bird being about. Shy and secretive, it sings from dense scrub and woodland, day and night.
Species information
Length: 16cmWingspan: 24cm
Weight: 21g
Average lifespan: 2 years
Conservation status
Classified in the UK as Red under the Birds of Conservation Concern 5: the Red List for Birds (2021).
When to see
April to SeptemberAbout
A shy bird, the nightingale is about the same size as a robin and a summer visitor, arriving here in April and leaving in September. Nightingales nest in dense scrub, from where they sing their famously beautiful melodies throughout the day and at night.How to identify
The nightingale is best recognised by its song. If spotted, it is a robust, broad-tailed, plain brown bird without the streaks of the dunnock or the red-breast of the robin.In our area
Suffolk Wildlife Trust are working hard to create wilder areas of scrub for nightingales on many of our reserves, good examples being Arger Fen and Black Bourn Valley.
We also encourage farmers and landowners to develop these wild, ‘messy’ areas benefiting not just nightingale but also many other species too.