Silent Spring, Rachel Carson

Silent Spring - Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring alerted a large audience to the environmental and human dangers of pesticides, spurring revolutionary changes in the laws affecting our air, land, and water. Despite condemnation in the press and heavy-handed attempts by the chemical industry to ban the book, Carson succeeded in creating a new public awareness of the environment which led to changes in government and inspired the ecological movement.
A review by Linda Foxton
Member of the Hintlesham & Chattisham Bookworms
"Written 60 years ago, this book is as relevant today as it was then."
As well as being thought provoking, scientific in its content and extremely scary, it is beautifully written and easy to read. The short chapters on each issue are focused and well argued with excellent examples. Rachel certainly gives much food for thought and I think every politician, scientist, farmer and leaders of industry should read this book and ponder on their part in the destruction of our environment."
The examples given of poisoning and use of strong pesticides without much research or care for the long term results is truly frightening. The proof that nature can do a better job by itself if allowed is enlightening in the face of so much human intervention in our world. There does seem to be hope if we can work with nature instead of trying to destroy it. The fact that man has put carcinogens into the environment is without doubt true and Rachel’s assertions that prevention is so much better than cure is one that is supported today by the medical profession. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be working as well as it might as cancer is more prevalent than ever."
It appears that not enough of us are listening even today and the fears for our future are well founded. The message that we cannot rely on business and the government to advocate our best interests is certainly as true today as it was in the 1960’s! We should share this book with as many people as we can. Spread the word – we have only hope left that it is not too late. I would give this book 10/10."
About the author
Rachel Carson was an American marine biologist, writer and conservationist.
Her most influential book, Silent Spring (first published in 1962) is widely credited with helping to launch the environmental movement.
Silent Spring altered the balance of power in the world. No one since would be able to sell pollution as the necessary underside of progress so easily or uncritically.Environmental engineer and Carson scholar

Rachel Carson - author of Silent Spring

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