School visits to Knettishall Heath

Knettishall Heath, Autumn Mist

Knettishall Heath - Paul Ham

School visits to Knettishall Heath Nature Reserve

Discover the rare breckland wildlife of Knettishall Heath and learn about this ancient, Breckland landscape.

Our Knettishall Heath nature reserve is a rare Breckland landscape of SSSI-certified heathland, grassland, and woodland, which dips down into the Little Ouse Valley. Archaeological and geological features add to the interest and range of opportunities for discovery and learning. The reserve has toilet facilities, a play area, picnic area, and outdoor learning shelter.

Our Nature Discovery Day at Knettishall Heath for KS1 and KS2 pupils will consist of three sessions; Invertebrates, River Dipping, and Plants & Trees - reflecting the landscape, habitats and history of the site. 

For early years, we have a specially-designed Nature Connection Day available. 

Long-winged conehead on a hand - Lianne de Mello

Long-winged conehead - Lianne de Mello

Nature Discovery Day


Investigate the lives, life cycles and habitats of invertebrates on the reserve and learn about classification and how to observe animals closely. Pupils can use magnifiers and ID sheets to help them identify and categorise a range of invertebrates according to their characteristics.

Download the session overview and learning objectives:

Invertebrates KS1

Invertebrates KS2

Otter in river

Luke Massey

Nature Discovery Day

River Dipping

Explore the watery worlds of our rivers and learn about the different habitats and species that make up our river ecosystems. Pupils will learn about the importance of river habitats and how to identify a range of aquatic invertebrates - many of which they will likely be unfamiliar with.

Download the session overview and learning objectives:

River Dipping KS1

River Dipping KS2

Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Bee orchid by Dawn Monrose

Nature Discovery Day

Plants & Trees

An opportunity to explore the variety and diversity of flowering plants and tree species across the nature reserve. Pupils will get up-close with leaf shapes, flower structures, bark textures, and the animals living on the different plants and trees.

Download the session overview and learning objectives:

Plants & Trees KS1

Plants & Trees KS2

Suffolk Wildlife Trust
Nature Connection Day

Nature Connection (EYFS)

A full day session for early years designed to ignite their curiosity in nature. Pupils will explore the reserve, using all their senses to connect to the beautiful surroundings. The day will be made up of 3 sessions exploring senses, invertebrate hunting and river dipping.

Download the session overview and learning objectives:


Find out more and book a visit

Our KS1 and KS2 sessions qualify for Natural England funding, therefore we are able to offer a limited number of these visits free of charge (on a first come, first served basis). Price for EYFS sessions, and visits not covered by the Natural England funding, is £6 per pupil, with a minimum charge of £150.

Please note we have a maximum capacity of 30 pupils per visit. 

A usual day runs between 10am and 2pm.

Adult:Student ratio requirements:
Nursery and Reception 1:4
KS1 1:6
KS2 1:8

Booking Form

Terms & Conditions 

Information for your visit

Risk Assessment