Weekly wild news from our reserves, 1st April 2022

Weekly wild news from our reserves, 1st April 2022

Snow at Knettishall Heath, Sam Norris, 31 March 22

The last day of March saw a dusting of snow, and some of the first arrivals from Africa. Our reserve wardens and volunteers have captured some fascinating footage from our trail cams too.

Digiscoped bittern

Warden Jamie Smith captured this bittern picking its way through Hen Reedbeds. Jamie’s work to create areas in the reedbeds with structural diversity for wildlife to exploit has paid dividends.  

Bittern digiscoped by Jamie Smith

Trail cam ibis & bittern

Warden Gavin Durrant retrieved some nice footage of the long-staying glossy ibis at Carlton Marshes from one of the cameras at Peto’s Marsh. The glossy ibis is usually resident in the Mediterranean, and although sightings are still quite rare, numbers are increasing across the UK due to climate change. 

Trail cam footage of the glossy ibis at Carlton Marshes

Also at Peto’s Marsh, the team captured a beautiful male bittern on camera with a bright blue cheek patch. 

Bittern with blue cheek patch, Carlton Marshes

Snow and swallows

We saw the last flick of winter’s tail across the county on the last day of March. However, on the same day, Mike Andrews at Lackford Lakes nature reserve spotted the reserve's first sighting of a swallow, a sand martin and a little ringed plover fresh from their migration from Africa! The birds may head further south if they are met with inclement weather. 

Snow at Lackford Lakes, Mike Andrews

Some snowy scenes from Alex at Bradfield Woods, Sam at Knettishall Heath and Dan at Church Farm... 

One that got away...

Our wardens and volunteers gain a lot of information about species using our reserves and also observe some fascinating behaviour via our network of trail cameras. The cameras can often give some amusing and tantalising glimpses as well. These fine pair of trousers belong to a marsh harrier at Hen Reedbeds – what do you think it has in its talons? Warden Dan thinks it might be a frog? 

Marsh harrier legs caught on trail cam, Hen Reedbeds

Marsh harrier legs caught on trail cam, Hen Reedbeds

Swanning around at Lound

Lound Lakes Warden Andy and Russ from Essex and Suffolk Water retrieved a pair of lost visitors to the reserve who’d wandered into the Lord Somerleyton Plantation overnight. They safely caught the birds and returned them to the water where they could resume feeding.