During March, plenty of chiffchaff and blackcap arrived back. Lots of swallows and sand martins turned up at the start of April. Now we are starting to see the arrival of other warblers like sedge warbler and willow warbler.
Lots of birds now arriving back from Africa
I thought I would do a quick update about birds arriving back at Lackford Lakes as things are changing rapidly with many birds already starting to make an appearance.
The next few weeks should see the arrival of many more birds like whitethroat and garden warbler. We are currently awaiting the arrival of two of our special spring birds, the cuckoo and the nightingale. We expect these any day now.
By the end of April, all these birds will be singing / calling around the reserve, making April and May an exciting time to visit the reserve and experience wildlife in spring.
I will end with our spring arrival sheet, updated today.

spring arrivals at Lackford Lakes updated 8th April 2021