Brilliant work by these two persuading neighbours and giving up their time & expertise to get covered in dust! Here’s Ámon with his core trophy as the first hole was created!
Drilling days - can we drill a hedgehog sized hole in your wall?
A brilliant afternoon was spent last week with two hedgehog champions, Sue and Ámon, drilling holes in walled gardens in the centre of Ipswich. Five new gardens were linked and lots of lovely chatter was had with neighbours keen to open habitat for their local hogs.
Hedgehogs can roam around 2km in a night, making connectivity of gardens critical for sustaining healthy populations. We now have two drills, one for walls and one for wooden fencing, and we hope this will be the first of many drilling days across Ipswich, inspired by Barnes Hedgehog Project. Get in touch if you have the time and skills to become a drilling volunteer, or if you have a group of neighbours in Ipswich that would like to become a Hedgehog Highway but don’t have the tools to do it! Email for more information:
Team Hedgehog for our first drilling day (I would like to confirm that I cannot take any credit for using this drill!)