Explore Suffolk this autmn

Explore Suffolk this autmn

Birch woodland in autumn ©Ben Hall/2020VISION

In autumn Suffolk is a wildlife wonderland, there are so many things to see and do both outside and from the comfort of your home. Find out more about things to spot and do to celebrate autumn in this blog.

Benefits of connecting with nature

As the nights draw in and the clocks change this time of year can be challenging. Taking time to connect and notice the changes in nature can help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. If you have time to visit a local green space or nature reserve, it can also have positive effects on physical wellbeing. 

But you don’t have to travel far to find nature, in this blog we’ve compiled some autumn activities to explore the nature and wildlife of Suffolk and beyond. Some involve travelling whilst others can be done from the comfort of your sofa!

Things to spot

Autumn is a transitional season which sees departures and new arrivals, many of our summer visiting bird species have left but with the turn of the weather we welcome winter migratory birds, the leaves have begun changing colour, and fungi are emerging. The Wildlife Trusts have useful guides on autumn wildlife including where to spot them across the UK. You can find them here - Where to see autumn wildlife | The Wildlife Trusts

You could also try your hand at autumn tree ID, go on a fungi walk, or create your own spotter sheet with the Wildlife Trust’s Wildlife Watch webpage.

Not all autumn colours are amber and orange – keep an eye out in hedgerows and woodlands for bright pink spindle berries!                                                                          

Visit a local green space or nature reserve

You don’t have to travel far to experience nature. Local parks and greenspaces can become autumnal wonderlands, look for golden yellow beech trees and foraging animals. Did you know, like squirrels, jays love acorns and hide them in holes to return and feast upon later in the year.

Suffolk Wildlife Trust reserves perfect for an autumn adventure:

Wild Reads

Delve into the literary world, portable nature in your hand! Suffolk Wildlife Trust have teamed up with Suffolk Libraries for another fantastic year of Wild Reads. Explore nature in literary form and discover fascinating stories about the natural world.

Suffolk Libraries are also hosting a great range of nature themed activities in celebration of Wild Reads. You can find these on their website.

All of the books in the 2024 Wild Reads are available to loan from Suffolk Libraries.

Discover this year's Wild Reads

Big Wild Walk

If you want to give back to nature and help support conservation efforts in Suffolk and the rest of the country, why not sign up for the Big Wild Walk and set yourself the challenge of walking 30km between the 21st October and 3rd of November.

You can walk, cycle, swim, run etc wherever you’d like, be that at one of our nature reserves, around your neighbourhood, or in your living room!

Find out more here

Wildlife Live webinars 

Over the autumn and winter months we host fascinating webinars, presented by experts, about a range of wildlife topics. This season we're exploring black poplars, marine wildlife, dormice and so much more

The webinars are hosted on the Zoom platform and are great for a cosy evening in exploring the wildlife of Suffolk and beyond without having to leave the sofa. 

Explore our Wildlife Live webinars