
Wildflowers and butterfly by Jon Hawkins


Suffolk Wildlife Trust

National volunteer week - Dr Vincent Forte's story

This week is Volunteers’ Week and, over the course of the week, we are going to be celebrating the fantastic difference our volunteers make for wildlife in Suffolk. In the past year, over 1,360…

Castle Marshes Suffolk Wildlife Trust

National volunteer week - George Batchelor's story

This week is Volunteers’ Week and, over the course of the week, we are going to be celebrating the fantastic difference our volunteers make for wildlife in Suffolk. In the past year, over 1,360…

Common carder bumblebee - Nick Upton

Where have all the insects gone?

Hawk Honey looks at how insects are vital for ecosystems and how their health directly affects other species, including us.

Trimley Marshes - Steve Alyward

Weekly wild news from our reserves

Our reserves team are undertaking their daily checks and documenting some truly stunning wildlife in our county.

Now lockdown is easing slightly, please do continue to follow government…

Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Garden hedges for wildlife

Cathy Smith explores planting garden hedges.

Hedges, both urban and rural, can provide a plentiful larder for wildlife. The UK Biodiversity Group have shown that across Britain 600 species…

Lapwing - Nick Upton/2020VISION/


Claire Rowan explores the lapwing, or 'peewit'.

Another sure sign of spring is the sight of the whirling aerial display antics of male lapwings as they tumble dramatically through…

Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Weekly wild news from our reserves

Our reserves team are undertaking their daily checks and documenting some truly stunning wildlife in our county.

Now lockdown is easing slightly, please do continue to stay local and…
