Wildlife and climate groups unite for 'biggest ever' march for nature

Wildlife and climate groups unite for 'biggest ever' march for nature

On Saturday 22nd June, wildlife and climate groups from across the UK are uniting for 'Restore Nature Now' - a major event in central London to demonstrate the importance for nature ahead of the general election.

The Restore Nature Now event is backed by a wide-range of nature, wildlife and climate groups including Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Essex Wildlife Trust and The Wildlife Trusts plus high-profile campaigners such as Chris Packham. The organisers hope the demonstration will be the largest-ever gathering of nature and climate supporters here in the UK.

The event will draw together thousands of people from all across the UK to call on all political parties to take urgent action to restore nature and tackle climate change.

With the UK on record as one of the worst nations for nature loss, environment campaigners are encouraging everyone who cares for nature to come together and march through London before gathering to send a clear message in Parliament Square. The simple demand will be Restore Nature Now.

Suffolk Wildlife Trust is a supporter of the event and some of our team are choosing to join the march and we encourage you - our members - to meet us in London if you can, where we will be gathering with fellow Wildlife Trusts on Park Lane from approxmiately 11:45am.

We encourage anyone traveling to London to use public transport as the most environmentally-friendly option. Booking train tickets in advance can be much cheaper than paying on the day, and National Express coach services to London are available from many Suffolk towns.


Together we are signalling that the upcoming General Election must be a turning point for nature - before it is too late.

Find out more and pledge to march

Craig Bennett, chief executive of The Wildlife Trusts, says: “Political focus on nature and climate in this country needs a huge upgrade. People understand the seriousness of the nature crisis and demand that elected officials do the same. Nature charities are backed by millions of supporters and this event will see many of these as well as our volunteers and anyone who cares about nature taking a collective stand. We can lose the embarrassing badge as one of the most nature-depleted countries on earth, but we have got to go further and work faster together. Inaction is simply not an option.”