Our first County Wildlife Sites owners event
At the beginning of the month, our Conservation Adviser - Graham Hart - held our inaugural County Wildlife Sites (CWS) owners event, hosted by two CWS owners at their site in Thorpe Morieux.
Frances and Roland Bee, welcomed other CWS owners to Newson's Farm with a brief history of their site followed by a guided walk with discussion on habitat creation and management. Graham provided information on the CWS networks and led a round-table discussion where attendees shared the challenges and successes with their own County Wildlife Sites.
Kate, an attendee of the event, said:
“I found the event very worthwhile, helpful and also a pleasure. What a lovely couple the Bees are! I have got home to absolutely pouring rain so I’ve put off my walk round ours until tomorrow, but I do feel really inspired and a bit less daunted.”
It was a wonderful first event for the CWS owners network. Graham will be hosting more CWS events for CWS owners, if you would like information about the network and future events, please email: teamwilder@suffolkwildlifetrust.org