Wild Kids: Forest weekday fun 11-16yrs May

girl in a tree

E Keeble

Child with bones

E Keeble

Wild Kids: Forest weekday fun 11-16yrs May

Forest School for home educated children aged 11-16 years.

Event details

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A static map of Wild Kids: Forest weekday fun 11-16yrs May

About the event

*Please note during summer months (May to July) our sessions start at 10.30am and end at 3pm to avoid clashes with visiting school groups.*

Our sessions primarily follow the Forest School ethos of child led learning, A usual session finds us in the woods putting up ropes, hammocks, using tools and encouraging a deep connection with the woodland environment. We frequently have a fire (except in very dry weather) and cook a snack on it, this can be anything from smores to popcorn, damper dread, seasonal jam, drop scones, brownies and hot chocolate (although not all in one go!).

All our sessions will be held entirely outside, so please ensure your child(ren) come with a packed lunch and drink and are dressed appropriately for the weather (hat scarf, suncream, waterproofs as appropriate to the season) and be aware that is can be a tad cooler in the woods than elsewhere. Please note, closed toed shoes and long trousers must be worn as there are stinging nettles and midges in the woods and they will not be permitted to light fires or use tools without covered legs and toes.​​​​​​

All sessions are for unaccompanied children.

All young people must be dropped off by an adult, who must confirm their emergency contact details with the member of staff at the arrival point, before departing along with confirming who will be collecting said child.

Please note booking closes the day before the event.

Please follow this link for family and children's events terms and conditions before booking:



If you are booking more than one child, please use the combined ticket rate (as we get charged less commission for this!)
£16 per child
£30 for 2 siblings

Additional booking information

If your young person has specific learning, behavioral, medical or mobility needs that might affect their ability to fully access the session, please email us before booking so that we can discuss how best to accommodate their needs.

Suitable for


Know before you go


No dogs permitted


If your young person has specific mobility needs that might affect their ability to fully access the session, please contact us before booking so that we can discuss how best to accommodate their needs.


Wheelchair access

Wheelchair users please contact organiser advance as above

What to bring

Packed lunch and a drink, Suitable outdoor clothing including closed toed shoes.


Parking information

free parking


Picnic area
Accessible toilet

Contact us

Other sessions for home educated children at Foxburrow: