E Keeble

E Keeble
Easter Family Forest Fun
Foxburrow Nature Reserve,
Foxburrow Nature Reserve, Saddlemakers Lane, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1NA
Event details
About the event
This is the first of our extended family sessions covering 4 rather than 2 hours to help create more of an experience day to be shared as a family and encourage a deeper connection with nature.
Why let children have all the fun?! our Forest school sessions and holiday clubs are extremely popular so we thought why not create an event where parents get to join in the fun....
Join us in the woods for activities focusing on the importance of nettles, including making nettle pesto, nettle string and nettle tea along with the staples such as the rope swing, hammocks, balance ropes and other woodland crafting.
Our session will follow the Forest School ethos of participant led learning.
Please bring a packed lunch, water bottles and snacks as we will be out in the woods for the duration of the event.
All our sessions will be held entirely outside, so please ensure you and your child(ren) are dressed appropriately for the weather (hat scarf, suncream, waterproofs as appropriate to the season) and be aware that is can be a tad cooler in the woods than elsewhere. Please note, closed toed shoes and long trousers must be worn as there are stinging nettles and midges in the woods and participants will not be permitted to light fires or use tools with bare legs and toes.
Please follow this link for family and children's events terms and conditions before booking:
1 Adult and child £16Additional child £5
Additional adult £4