Mariah Hewines
Mothers' Day crafting
Location: Lackford Lakes Nature Reserve & Visitor Centre,
Lackford Lakes, Bury St Edmunds , Suffolk, IP28 6HX
Lackford Lakes Nature Reserve & Visitor Centre,
Lackford Lakes, Bury St Edmunds , Suffolk, IP28 6HXDrop in Mothers' Day crafting with natural materials
Event details
About the event
Come and create something beautiful for Mothers' Day! Perfect for spending time as a family or to surprise mum with a gift! Nature craft activities with a spring theme, suitable for children 3+
No need to book just pop along to the centre between 10 and 12
£3 per child
For full event terms and conditions visit: www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org/eventinfo
£3 per childDrop in- no need to book.
Suitable for
FamiliesKnow before you go
Assistance dogs only, dogs on a lead on red trail only.
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