Weekly wild news from our reserves – 2 September 2022
Catch up on the latest news from our reserve wardens. This week’s wildlife highlights included the UK's rarest wasp, a forest bug, a water scorpion, a willow emerald damselfly and a well-…
Catch up on the latest news from our reserve wardens. This week’s wildlife highlights included the UK's rarest wasp, a forest bug, a water scorpion, a willow emerald damselfly and a well-…
The latest news from our reserve wardens. This week's wildlife sightings included a whinchat, a marsh harrier on the move, a lattice heath moth and some gorgeous bees and wasps. The wardens…
This week fen raft spider surveys showed encouraging results, and the season for topping and hay spreading has begun, preparing our reserves for winter birds and spring flowers. Wildlife…
Catch up on the latest news from our reserve wardens. This week's wildlife highlights included a rare dragonfly, wasp spiders, fen raft spiders and a lizard seeking respite from the…
Catch up on the latest news from our reserve wardens. This week’s wildlife highlights include a spider eating wasp, a water stick insect, marvellous moths, lush fen flora and coppice coups.…
This week’s reserve sightings included a hobby checking out our artificial nest, a wasp collecting pulp, a garden tiger moth, wasp spiders, meadowsweet and beautiful butterflies. Meanwhile our…
This week our reserves team have been celebrating insects - with a rare moth expanding its range at Carlton Marshes, another new bee species discovered at Lackford Lakes, butterflies galore across…
It is the middle of summer at the lakes and there is lots to be found and seen around the reserve. Dragonflies and butterflies are particularly good during these months, so it is a great time to…
This week our reserve team discovered rare wasps, a bee with trousers, a female stag beetle and a giant fungus which smells of watermelon. Meanwhile a new bench and access ramp were installed, and…
This week our reserves are buzzing with life! Highlights include barn owl, marsh harrier and ringed plover fledglings, swifts soaring, a little dark bee and masses of wildflowers.