I’m going to struggle to sum it all up so I’m not going to. If you read back through my monthly blogs I think you will get a feel of how awesome it’s been. My final month has all been about the holidays. We’ve had so much fun putting on events for families to come and enjoy. Mini beast Mondays were a great hit. Allowing families to come to the reserve and bug hunt at their leisure. We had some great finds from newts to musk beetles and someone also managed to catch a butterfly. Seeing them under the microscope was stunning. You can definitely see where artists get some inspiration. I've cooked crayfish with young wardens. We’ve had Lackford's first 3 day holiday club. I ran this alongside my trustee steed Marion. It’s been great working alongside a fellow intern, being able to bounce ideas and learn from each other. We put on all kinds of fun events for the kids. We had edible poo, boat racing and bird bingo to name but a few. We hunted for bugs and came across 2 wasp spiders, a record for Lackford.
Edible poo and bird bingo at Lackford!

We had some great feedback from parents and the children were delighted with their medal that they took home at the end of each session to state that they’d survived the day. Tots and babies has continued to run through the holidays as normal so vie not missed out on some squishy baby time and running around like a 3 year old with the tots. I’ve also taken part in my first twilight safari at Lackford. Another EPIC event. Yes moths were involved, so I headed up this station first before heading down to mini beast meadow to set up a live trap for everyone to see & for people to chill out & star gaze. We had a great sighting of Jupiter and its moons in our scope, and Lackford is truly stunning as the sun goes down. What a journey I’m addicted to Lucy’s facebook and Instagram posts for SWTIpswich. Pineapple mayweed is my new favourite thing to discover and share. I had my first trip to Knettishall and it truly took my breath away a stunning reserve that needs to be on everyone’s to do list. I’ve decided this is not the end for me. I’ve had too much fun & I can’t say goodbye to the trust so I’m sticking around to continue with the weekend wildlife club and host some courses. It’s been a blast, a complete game changer. Thank you for giving me this incredible opportunity.