I applied for the post of ‘Wild Learning intern’ and was given an interview, following which, I was really pleased to hear back that I’d been successfully selected to work at Foxburrow Farm with the lovely ladies I’d met on that day. The first two weeks involved me taking part in induction days learning more about The Trust and how it works, to include who the team consists of and learning about the variety of fabulous educational opportunities that are on offer for such a wide range of ages.
My first event was a primary school event that revolved around leaf identification and a pollination game that taught the pupils all about the way bees carry out their work. The children involved really enjoyed themselves and so did I! Following this event, my next two weeks involved ‘Forest Schools’ level one and two training. This is a fantastic opportunity offered by Suffolk Wildlife Trust that they offer as part of the internship. I had so much fun on this course learning identification skills, open fire cooking, learning to tie specific knots, erecting shelters and making natural crafts using a variety of tools. As a team we did a variety of fun and educational activities, even building our own natural shelter with branches, logs and leaves. I was sad when it came to an end! I’m now looking forward to a fun packed Easter break full of more exciting events that are happening over the next two weeks which I will be participating in. What a fab start to a great opportunity!