We were fortunate enough to be hosted by the lovely La Tour Cycle Cafe, an amazing cafe found on Tower Street, Ipswich, full of comfy sofas, armchairs and crafty creations! We were pleased to have a packed room – around 4o attendees in total across a spectrum of ages – one family were even representing three generations!
The talks covered information about hedgehog behaviour, what they eat and where they nest, what they spend their time doing at different times of year, the threats they are currently facing, and current research being conducted to better understand the species.
It also outlined a number of ways Ipswich residents (and those elsewhere in Suffolk too!) can get involved in our project. If you missed this talk, we have another coming up on Friday 24th February. For more details you can head to the Whats On section of our website here, or to the All About Ipswich website here.
We also have a volunteer recruitment session for volunteering opportunities in Ipswich. Come along for coffee, cake and to find out more about joining our hedgehog project or education team! More details about this event can be found here.