School visits to Arger Fen

Arger Fen Suffolk Wildlife Trust

By Steve Aylward

Shool visits to Arger Fen & Spouse's Vale Nature Reserve

Arger Fen & Spouse’s Vale is a fascinating mosaic of ancient and naturally regenerating woodland alongside wet meadows and rough grassland.

The reserve's contrasting habitats create a rich environment for wildlife and visitors alike, with a range of opportunities for study, exploration and learning.

Your day here will reflect the landscape, habitats and history of Arger Fen & Spouse’s Vale. We will work with you to design a bespoke school visit that meets the needs of your pupils, with plenty of outdoor learning and opportunity for exploration.

Further details and booking

A whole day session is £170 for a class of up to 28 children. For classes over 28 children, an additional £6.80 per student is charged (with a maximum capacity of 60 children per day). A usual day runs between 10am and 2pm, however we can be flexible an hour either side of this.

Our KS1 and KS2 sessions qualify for Natural England funding, therefore we are able to offer a limited number of these visits free of charge (on a first come, first served basis).

Adult:Student ratio requirements:
Nursery and Reception 1:4
KS1 1:6
KS2 1:8

Email to book

Terms & Conditions 

Information for your visit

Risk Assessment